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She can't get enough of posing! Fahriye Evcen's photos taken with her truck became a trending topic

She can't get enough of posing! Fahriye Evcen's photos taken with her truck became a trending topic

NEWS CENTER - The snow falling in Istanbul also made actress Fahriye Evcen happy. The famous beauty took advantage of everywhere being snow white and posed for many photos.

The famous name, who shared her poses in the snow on her social media account, received thousands of likes and comments from her fans.

Fahriye Evce, who can't get enough of posing, has become a trending topic with her photos taken with her truck


Evcen gave her last poses with her luxury truck. The price of the vehicle of the beautiful actress, who took photos with a 4x4 off-road truck, was also jaw-dropping.


According to research conducted by social media users, it was seen that the price of some models of the vehicle before 2010 was over 5 million TL.

Here are Fahriye Evcen's latest poses...

Fahriye Evce, who can't get enough of posing, has become a trending topic with her photos taken with her truck
Fahriye Evce, who can't get enough of posing, has become a trending topic with her photos taken with her truck
Fahriye Evce, who can't get enough of posing, has become a trending topic with her photos taken with her truck


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