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A skull and human bones were found during construction work at the former Civil Guard barracks in Sabadell

A skull and human bones were found during construction work at the former Civil Guard barracks in Sabadell

Workers from Aigües Sabadell have found remains of bones and a skull on Monday and everything points to them being human. According to the Diari de Sabadell , they were found in the city's former Civil Guard barracks, next to Gran Vía, where work is being done to channel groundwater.

Hypothesis No signs of criminal activity have been detected and they could be archaeological remains

Following the discovery, work was halted and the Mossos d'Esquadra were notified. The discovery has now been reported to the Institute of Legal Medicine of Catalonia, which will take charge of the remains and analyse them.

However, no signs of criminal activity have been detected. The bones are not believed to be recent and therefore everything points to an archaeological site.

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The remains, which were found in the last section of the works that began two weeks ago on Vilarrúbias Street, could be those of one or more individuals.



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